Friday, 21 January 2011

Sonic the Deadhog

Last night I couldn't think about what I wanted to write today, then I mentioned to my other half that I was maybe gonna write about Sonic. She said "Oh?". I think she's sorry she asked, I went on a bit of a rant and realised I had a lot to say!

Sonic The Hedgehog was a staple of my childhood. When I was young and was growing up with my brother, he was a Mario fan and always had a nintendo, I was always a Sonic fan and had a Sega system. Whatever the new ones were we bugged our parents for it for Christmas.

I have really fond memories of the Sonic games. The first one is basic but I still find it really hard (I have a Sonic Mega Collection disk for my Wii/Gamecube). It's still really bright and I found the art in it much prettier than the Mario games, especially when you compare the original Mario to the original Sonic.

The second game introduced Tails, a fun sidekick that had the ability to fly, not that you could control this flight but it was still fun to be able to team up with my brother at the same time and beat the bad guys.

Sonic 3 introduced Knuckles and the ability to have Tails fly and, shock! A save game!! I was so thrilled when I got that game, I remember being so excited with the idea I didn't need to sit and play that game from start to finish in one go, I could play a  bit, go to bed, continue the next day.

Things were good even in the first Sonic Adventure game on the Dreamcast. It was a fun game if not the most amazing storyline or voice acting (The voice acting was very, very bad. Sometimes I wanted to stab forks into my ears to make it stop.) but the levels were fast and it still felt like a proper Sonic Game.

After that it began to go a little downhill, the second Sonic Adventure game took out the free roaming section and just had it as a level to level game. That wasn't so bad as that's how all the old sonic games were. What really upset me is Sonic and the Secret Rings.

I get that they wanted to go into a new direction with the games because it was a new console. But they went so far down a stupid route it made my brain hurt. I felt like in Sonic and the Secret Rings, they're using the motion sensor in the wii remote because they feel they need to use it for something.

What really bugged me is Sonic constantly runs and you use the remote to steer (Like a steering wheel) to steer him left and right. You tilt it backwards or forwards to make him speed up or stop/slow down. Its really clunky and the Wii motion sensor doesn't seem sensitive enough to me to pull that off without making you want to throw the remote at the TV.  I hate there's no way to pick how you wanna control it.

I understand they wanted to try something different, but Super Mario did something different for the Wii and brought out the amazing Super Mario Galaxy. You used the traditional controls on the wii remote/nunchuck and used the motion sensor to do some small things.  A much better use of the console controls rather than using the motion sensor exclusively just because they happen to be there.

I hope the next Sonic Game (After "Sonic and the Black Knight") is way better.

I would like to be in charge of the Sonic Team, I think I'd like to find out who made Sonic and the Black Knight and shoot him/her before they do more damage. Whats next? Sonic and The Great Gatsby? Sonic and the Merry Men? Or, more probably, Sonic and the Twilight Saga!

God I'm gonna go shoot myself.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Fates save us all from Sonic meets Twilight!

    (And Blogspot seems to be confused about what to call me since it's letting me follow the blog as Rayk'Ora, but is insisting on posting my comments as Dracavia. How odd.)
